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Bills & Receipts
A Shrewsbury Tradesman's Invoice (1594)
Lady Jane (Stanhope) Townshend's Bills, Receipts and Accounts ( 1580s-1590s)
Mr Orme's Bills from Tailors, Haberdashers, etc. (c. 1590)
Shoemaker's Bill for Catherine Parr (1545)
Tailor's Bill for a Gown, Kirtle and Bodies (1604)
Tailor's Bill for Amy Dudley (1566)
Tailor's Bill for Doublets and Men's Gowns (1594)
Tailor's Bill for Lady Elizabeth Saye, (1530s?)
Tailor's Bill for Robert Spencer's Daughters' gowns (1601)
Tailor's Bill for the Earl of Essex (1577)
Tailor's Bill for William Cecil (1556)
Tailor's Bills for George Choworth, 1621
Tailor's Bills of Sir Richard Boyle (1604-1607)
Tailor's Expenses of a "Gentle Youth", 1614-1615
Wedyng apparell bought for Elizabeth Draper (1550)
Books of Account
Account Extracts for the Farmor Children's Clothing (1580-1590)
Account for Sir Claud Hamilton's Suits of Cloathes (1614)
Accounts for Poor Relief in Ipswitch (1580s-1590s)
Clothing given to Welsh Servant Ellin Vawr (1600)
Petre Household Accounts
Sandwich Account Book of Orphans (1588-1606)
The Account Book of William Wray, Haberdasher (1588-1597)
Lexicon Tetraglotton (1660)
Dress in Literature
A Poste with a Packet of madde letters. The second part.
A dialogue both pleasaunte and pietiful (1564)
A Discourse of some troubles (1603)
A merry dialogue between Band, Cuff, and Ruff
A Neaste of Waspes (1615)
A Summons for Sleepers.
A true discourse concerning the certaine possession of... one familie in Lancashire
Bill of complaint in condytt vs chubbe
Collectanea chymica a collection of ten several treatises in chymistry
Comfortable notes vpon the bookes of Exodus and Leuiticus
Descriptions of foreign European fashions from Coryats Crudities
Deux Dialogues du Nouveau Langage Français Italianizé
Discours Nouveau Sur la Mode
Epistolæ Ho-elianæ familiar letters domestic and forren
Essayes of Montaigne
Galateo espagnol, or, The Spanish gallant
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Holinshed's Chronicles
If you know not mee...(1606)
In Defence of Conny-Catching
Kempes Nine Daies Wonder
Moryson's Itinerary
Pasquils mistresse
Relations des Ambassadeurs Venetiens
Stubbes' Rants on Clothing from his Anatomy of Abuses
The French Garden (1605)
The French-man and the Spaniard
The Golden Grove
The rogue: or The life of Guzman de Alfarache
Wits bedlam where is had, whipping-cheer, to cure the mad.
Wits trenchmour in a conference had betwixt a scholler and an angler
Clothing taken from Barnard Castle by Rebels, 1569
Inventory of Lord Clifford's Apparell (1572)
Inventory of Mr. Rogers Apparel, 1615
Inventory of the Earl of Pembroke (1562)
Probate Inventories
St. Augustine Inventories
The Lisle Letters
Special Collections
Mary Queen of Scots
Queen Elizabeth's Wardrobe Uploaded
Statutes & Legal Documents
16th c. French Statutes of Apparel
A Petty Chapmen explains where he got his wares (1598)
Custom Rates, 1643
Fabric lengths, weights and prices for New Draperies (1578)
Fabric lengths, weights and prices for Norwich fabrics (1592)
Lex Mercatoria (1629)
Seizure of Clothing at Dutton
Statute Regulating London Wages
Statutes of Apparell
Women wearing illegal velvet in Wiltshire (1542)
Textile Dyeing and Cleaning
A Little Dye Book (1677)
A Profitable Booke of Dye Receipts (1602)
Allerley Mackel (1532)
Dye recipes from the Leyden Papyrus X, c. 300 AD
Dye Recipes from the Mappae Clavicula, c. 800 AD
Dye Recipes from the Stockholm Papyrus, c. 300-400 AD
I Segreti de Colori (15th c.)
The Innsbruck Manuscript
The Secrets of Alexis of Piedmont (1580)
Textiles and Clothing
An Inventory of My Ladys Apparell
Calendar of State Papers Domestic Elizabeth: Addenda 1580-1625 (1872)
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth 1595-97 (1869)
Costume in the Drama of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries
Wardrobe Warrants
Wardrobe expenses of Elizabeth of York, 1502-1503
Will of Isabel Flemyng