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Early Anglo-Saxon Clothing

Lesson #6: Page 4
Putting It All Together: Final Project

I have included several final projects you may wish to attempt.   You may take as many or as few as you wish.   If you would like comments/appraisal on your project(s) e-mail them to me.

Project 1: Design
Design an Anglo-Saxon outfit, taking into account region and date.   List the items you think are appropriate and how they would be worn, as well as colours/types of fabric, decoration, etc.   A sketch of the outfit you envisage would also be good.

Project 2: Practical
As above, but also make the outfit.

Project 3: Academic
Look at the picture below.   It shoes an early Anglo-Saxon family reconstructed for the 'Festival of Britain' in 1951.   Study their clothing and accessories and say what you think is right and wrong about them, and note how the figures could be improved.

Click on image for larger version in new window

If you are undertaking projects 1 or 2 and would like your work to be displayed on a page with the other student's work, please e-mail me with pictures and any text about your outfit.

As a final note I hope you have found this course informative, useful and most of all enjoyable.   If you would like to leave me any comments/feedback, please e-mail me.

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