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Early Anglo-Saxon Clothing

Lesson #4: Page 1
Men's Dress: Introduction.

This class will look at the style and construction of men’s clothing in this period, including trims and decoration.   It will cover all layers of clothing from underwear to outer garments such as cloaks.

Unlike women's clothing, there is very little evidence for men's clothes from graves.    Male clothing involved far less jewellery and other fasteners than women's clothes, so little evidence is left in a grave.   The items that are found in graves tend to be far less variable from region to region, and it seems likely that men's fashions were equally similar.

The main evidence for male clothing comes from bog finds, sculpture and literary sources.

Typical gravegoods for a man are weapons (most often spears and shields) along with a knife, buckle and perhaps a comb, tweezers and firesteel.

Spong Hill, Grave 27 gives a good example of a typical burial.

Grave goods in male graves at the Anglian cemetery at Westgarth Gardens, East Anglia

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