Alcega: Men’s Doublet Pattern

Men's Doublet of silk.  This pattern requires 2 3/4 yards of 22" wide fabric.

Men’s Doublet of silk.
This pattern requires 2 3/4 yards of 22″ wide fabric.

Basic doublet, made by Mathew Gnagy. light peascod, gently padded

Basic doublet. light peascod, gently padded

Linen twill doublet

Made by: Mathew Gnagy

Linen twill doublet. Hand Sewn, Peascod, not prominent, but present. Padded.

Linen twill doublet. Hand Sewn, Peascod, not prominent, but present. Padded.

Linen twill doublet, another view

Linen twill doublet, another view. Removable sleeves aren’t documented in Alcega, but the doublet was made for Colonial Jamestown, which requested removable sleeves.

Linen twill doublet, back view

Linen twill doublet, back view

Closeup of buttonholes and buttons at the wrist

Closeup of buttonholes and buttons at the wrist

Linen twill doublet, closeup of collar

When pad stitching the collar, always begin at the outer edge and hold the front corners pretty tightly rolled as you work the successive rows of pad stitching.

Brown Wool doublet with pink and brown trim

Made by: Mathew Gnagy

Another doublet from Alcega's draft made by Mathew Gnagy. Brown wool with hand-woven trim applied.

Another doublet from Alcega’s draft. Brown wool with hand-woven trim applied.

Three-quarters view

Three-quarters view

Side view

Side view

Sleeve end with hand-worked buttons

Sleeve end with hand-worked buttons

Back view

Back view

Silk and brocade Doublet, Hose and Jerkin

Made by: Mathew Gnagy

Photo showing a full silk and brocade suit I made long ago for this client. The has a simple slop hose with a silk doublet. The outer layer is an Alcega jerkin rather than a cassock...see? its hard to tell when you cant see the particulars.

Photo showing a full silk and brocade suit I made long ago for this client. The has a simple slop hose with a silk doublet and, if memory serves..the outer layer is an Alcega jerkin rather than a cassock…see? its hard to tell when you cant see the particulars.

Doublet and hose without jerkin

Doublet and hose without jerkin

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